Daily Writing Prompt: 3/12

Where would you go on a shopping spree?

This is such a tough question to answer, but I’m going to try to drop some names of places I enjoy shopping at and why before I make my final decision.

1. Maurice’s. If you’re a mom, curvy, plus size, or just want to check out some super comfy jeans and such, check out Maurice’s. I swear by their M brand jeans, especially the Everflex style that has elastic lining in the pocket area to stretch for those of us with larger hips and thighs. I also really love their shoes. All of my fall booties, casual canvas slides, and even some of my sandals are from Maurice’s. All very comfy and true to size. If you don’t have a local location, try shopping online! They offer free returns!

2. Target. Show of hands for anyone who doesn’t like Target. Anyone? Of course not, everyone loves Target. I have a not so small obsession with their little Bullseye’s Playground $5 and under section in the front of the store. I have found the cutest holiday decor, cheap phone cases, fuzzy socks, candles, and more. While I don’t buy a lot of clothes for myself at Target, I love the Cat and Jack brand for my girls. The fit is great, quality is equal to Carter’s, and the price point makes it much more affordable when shopping for more than one kiddo. I also get all of my husband’s fun graphic tees as well as his jeans there. Target is one of those “go in for tape and come out with a full cart and a receipt for $300” type of places, and I have no shame.

3. Nebraska Furniture Mart. I won’t go into a ton of detail, but I could do a ton of damage in this store. From appliances to electronics to video games, the fact that I’m a current store card owner is dangerous and I should probably pay it off and get rid of it ASAP.

Between the three, I think I’m going to be selfish and pick Maurice’s. I could create an entire new wardrobe and would love every minute of it.

Daily Writing Prompt: 3/6

What are three objects you couldn’t live without?

Been a few days due to a family illness/hospital stay and the like, but here we go.

Since we’re going with objects, I don’t get to pick my husband and two children, so that’s a bummer. I could go vague and say food, but that seems boring. Rather than go into a lot of detail or thought with this, I’m choosing the three objects that come to my mind first.

1. Brewed Coffee. It gets my day started, it kills my caffeine headache, and it just tastes dang good. While I prefer to have creamer, I don’t feel it’s necessary to use one of my three object slots on it. Hot or cold, doesn’t matter, give me the caffeinated goodness and I’m all set. This means way more to me than just a beverage, it’s a need.

2. Good Soap. This is going to sound SO lame, but I can’t imagine living in a world where I’m not clean. The idea is just cringey. I can’t imagine life being enjoyable or even manageable if I can’t ever use soap. I’m not nature-savvy enough to know natural cleaners, sooo here we are. My husband argues that soap is not an object, but it really depends on the kind of soap and this post won’t be nearly long enough for all that nonsense.

3. Comfy Blanket. I am a huge advocate for comfort items. Blankets, bubble bath, slippers, etc. I’m ALL about it. Find your peace, enjoy it, don’t let anything squander it. While I’m stuck in a world with just my coffee, soap, and blanket, at least I know I’ll be clean, caffeinated, and cozy.

Daily Writing Prompt: 3/3/22

Do you enjoy your job?

I currently LOVE my “job”. Right now I have the blessing of focusing on being a mom and a wife. While it makes things challenging financially, and I am in fact looking for other work, I’m enjoying every moment of being able to spend time with my girls.

Do you ever experience those moments where everything feels completely overwhelming, and then the moment lasts two years? No joke, that’s what the past two years have felt like. I was running myself absolutely ragged trying to manage a small business in this economy. I loved what I did, but hated it at the same time, because I had to spend so much time away from my husband and daughters.

Even though I now spend hours at a time applying to jobs and trying to find ways to help provide, I get to do it while sitting and playing games with my girls, or watching a movie with my husband. My goal is to find a job, or another way to provide, that gives me more of THESE moments; the moments where I am fully at peace.

Daily Writing Prompt: 3/2/22

Describe the last difficult “goodbye” you said.

When you start a new adventure, it’s often difficult to know what to expect. You have high hopes (or maybe a high sense of dread), but you go in with a clean slate, ready to tackle it head on.

In January of 2021, I created a small business. I designed my logo, came up with a name, fulfilled the legal requirements, created a social media entity, and started building a customer base. Within my first three months, I saw a profit. Within six months, I had built my VIP group to nearly 1,000 members. Within the first year, I hit my 1,000th order.

The first few months of my second year were incredible. I was so excited for the growth and felt proud of what I had accomplished. All of that quickly changed midway through 2022 when sales plummeted and left me with a plan that would no longer be viable.

I held on. I pushed, I promoted, I cried my heart out in exhaustion. Every spare moment was spent marketing, finding new product ideas, trying to build my customer base, sending out advertising campaigns. Unfortunately, by the end of the year, I knew I could no longer keep going. My time was no longer worth anything. I was spending 80+ hours every week to return very little profit. I was missing time with my family, missing sleep, losing my sanity to the desperation.

In February of 2023, I bit the bullet and announced the closing of my shop. I gave myself a week to collect any last orders, clear out my social media accounts, and say my goodbyes. Saying goodbye to something you built from the ground up, fought for, cried for, and eventually broke down for, was one of the hardest goodbyes.

My small shop wasn’t a person, it wasn’t a loved one or a dear friend, but it was a piece of me, and the goodbye hurt just the same.