International Women’s Day

Graphic to promote International Women's Day

Happy International Women’s Day to all of the STRONG, FIERCE, UNIQUE women who come across this post.

This year, more so than in past years, I’m truly reflecting on what it means to be a woman, the women I have looked up to, and how my views on womanhood have changed as I’ve gotten older.

Growing up, my mom raised me as a single parent. I watched as she worked multiple jobs to support us and managed to still be at every single one of my sporting events, awards ceremonies, choir concerts, etc. My Nana, who often filled the gaps as a “second parent” for me, was a huge part of my life as well and is another amazing woman I look up to.

I never understood the importance of appreciating the female body until I birthed two children. Our bodies are BEASTS. The miracle of life is amazing in and of itself, but when you think about everything the female body does in that process? WOW. I have a new respect for my body, even if it’s sometimes hard to love what I see in the mirror.

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