Daily Writing Prompt: 3/6

What are three objects you couldn’t live without?

Been a few days due to a family illness/hospital stay and the like, but here we go.

Since we’re going with objects, I don’t get to pick my husband and two children, so that’s a bummer. I could go vague and say food, but that seems boring. Rather than go into a lot of detail or thought with this, I’m choosing the three objects that come to my mind first.

1. Brewed Coffee. It gets my day started, it kills my caffeine headache, and it just tastes dang good. While I prefer to have creamer, I don’t feel it’s necessary to use one of my three object slots on it. Hot or cold, doesn’t matter, give me the caffeinated goodness and I’m all set. This means way more to me than just a beverage, it’s a need.

2. Good Soap. This is going to sound SO lame, but I can’t imagine living in a world where I’m not clean. The idea is just cringey. I can’t imagine life being enjoyable or even manageable if I can’t ever use soap. I’m not nature-savvy enough to know natural cleaners, sooo here we are. My husband argues that soap is not an object, but it really depends on the kind of soap and this post won’t be nearly long enough for all that nonsense.

3. Comfy Blanket. I am a huge advocate for comfort items. Blankets, bubble bath, slippers, etc. I’m ALL about it. Find your peace, enjoy it, don’t let anything squander it. While I’m stuck in a world with just my coffee, soap, and blanket, at least I know I’ll be clean, caffeinated, and cozy.

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